We prepare accounts for businesses of all sizes and legal status
Do you need to file accounts with HMRC or Companies House?
Let us take care of it. All businesses are required to prepare annual accounts in order to calculate the amount of tax payable to HMRC. Accounts are also important in reviewing how the business is performing from year-to-year.
GX Accountancy & Bookkeeping Services prepare accounts for businesses of all sizes and legal status. We can take the pressure out of meeting the statutory deadlines for filing accounts. And we will ensure that you are well-informed and perfectly equipped to make the right decisions for your business.
Our small business accountancy services include:
- Preparing your annual accounts from your financial records
- Advising you on the correct treatment of business transactions according to HMRC
- Calculating your tax position including claiming any capital allowances that may be available, and notifying you of advising exactly how much tax you will have to pay and when it is due to be paid
- Discussing the your accounts with you to make you aware of how your business is performing and answering any questions you may have.
We offer a free 60-minute consultation to discuss your requirements. For a small business accountant that you can trust, get in touch using our online form.